Mother Mary, the Queen of Heaven and the Divine Mother, has been with me this last month as we approach the Winter Solstice this Thursday, December 21, 2017. On this day, in the Pagan tradition, the world celebrates the birth of the Divine Child. Just four days later, on Christmas, the birth of Jesus, the Christed One, is celebrated.

In honor of the Divine Mother, I am leading two circles this December honoring Our Lady of Guadalupe, who was the apparition of Mother Mary to an indigenous Aztec Indian in Mexico on December 12, 1531.

I was inspired to gift you with a “Love and Light Visualization with Mother Mary” which I created a few years ago in honor of her. You will find the link below.

Debates and discussions about the nature of Mother Mary have raged on for 2000 years until in 1965 when a Catholic Council called the Vatican II demoted Mary to little more than a Nazarene housewife, a country woman, a human vessel that served as the gestating container for a divine seed, and little more.  Yet in the hearts of the people, as she has been depicted in art throughout the ages, there has been a longing to connect Mother Mary with the Great Mother whose compassion and mercy comforts, supports, and nurtures those who seek her out.

Mother Mary has filled the void of the Mother Goddess that I believe is central to our human collective unconscious.  Since Paleolithic times, humans have honored the Great Mother. Within 500 years after the Divine birth of Jesus, as the cults of Isis, Cybele, Artemis and Diana dwindled along with the Roman Empire, the ancient goddess temples were rededicated to Mother Mary.  Even the imagery of the older goddesses was passed on to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, the Christed One.

In addition, visitations of Mother Mary have been cited 21,000 in the last 1000 years, including the visitation of Our Lady of Guadalupe in 1531. These visitations of the Blessed Mother strongly support the need of the Sacred Feminine principle that lives on in our collective psyche.

The importance of Mary is more than her stature, her part in history, or religion, or culture. It has to do with our personal relationship with Her as the Divine Mother – the ‘knowing’ experience of Her compassion, mercy and grace. It is a felt experience that can’t be expressed with language or logic.  Her image as Queen of Heaven and as the Great Mother Goddess archetype endures because it continues to persist in our collective human unconscious.

The Great Mother has, and will continue to, prevail.  She has survived 5000 years of patriarchy and 4000 years of the worship of the monotheistic male god.  She will survive because, as a Divine symbol of the Feminine, She is part of the balance of nature. Nature always settles back to its equilibrium.

The fulcrum under patriarchy pitched far to the right.  It is now floating back to center as the Divine Feminine principle is re-claiming Her rightful place beside the Divine Masculine principle.

The Great Mother is present in the image of Mary, the Mother of the Divine Child who brought Christ Consciousness to aid humanity in its evolution.

May this visualization with Mother Mary surround you with love, light, and peace.

Love and Light Visualization with Mother Mary


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  • Do you need some compassionate support during this Holiday Season?
  • Do you long to connect with the loving energies of the Divine Mother?
  • Would you like to join others in sending loving and compassionate energies out into the world?

Then please join us this Wednesday as we will celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe and be embraced with Her love and compassion.

Our Lady of Guadalupe
Circle with the Divine Feminine
Wednesday, Dec 20, 2017 –  6:30 to 8:30
Blossoming Paths
10227 Fair Oaks Boulevard, Fair Oaks, CA

If you need some compassionate support during this holiday season, please contact Joy Reichard for a 30-minute complimentary consultation and see how she can support you on your life’s journey during the holiday season and beyond. Call Joy at 415-819-8769 or email Joy TODAY!